Saturday, August 15, 2009

TrekStor Matches Two of My Passions - Data and Beer

TrekStor Matches Two of My Passions - Data and Beer
I am all for multi-function devices. I have a printer / scanner / copier, I carry a Swiss-Army knife, and own an iPhone. If I am going to plop money down for a gadget or gizmo, it better do more than one thing. TrekStor has heard my demands and answered with a combination bottle-opener / USB flash drive.

The TrekStor USB stick CO comes in a rugged (I hope) brushed aluminum casing and features a sturdy Guiness beverage opener. It features high-speed USB 2.0 data transfer rates, it is bootable, and it is pre-formated and ready for use. It should be both Mac and Windows friendly, and it will support Linux (Kernel 2.6 or later).

The bottle opener is one-size-fits-all, but the USB flash capacity comes in 1GB, 2,GB, 4GB, and 8GB, and 16GB. They will range from $10 to $71 depending on size, and will be available in late October. Cheers!


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