I had to think for a few minutes to imagine a reason to own this mobile microwave, even though I''ve often thought that a car refrigerator would be handy for cold drinks on the road. I suppose a microwave in the car could be useful if you''re someone who regularly takes long road trips and would rather heat up your own homemade lasagna than eat rest stop fare. Or if you''re a huge picnic fanatic who has to have food served really, really hot, which can''t be achieved with silly little thermoses. Or you want to make your own hot, organic popcorn for the movie theatre minutes before you go in.
You power it through your 12V cigarette lighter socket (produces 175W of power) or directly from your car battery (produces 660W). This little novelty appliance is now on sale at UK store Maplin for 80GBP, (about $149).
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