Thursday, July 15, 2010

Suggest a Profile Picture on Facebook

Facebook introduced the new homepage yesterday, which was in works for quite some time. People have been complaining about the live news feed ever since it was released.

The latest homepage features separate feeds for news feed and live feed. You can switch to whatever you find more appropriate for yourself. Even this design hasn’t been received well by the Facebook users.


I noticed that the new Facebook homepage sidebar now let’s you suggest profile pictures for people you ‘might’ know. Under Suggestions, it now shows options to write on friends’ walls who are not very active on Twitter.

To suggest a profile picture for someone, just click on the Suggest a Profile Picture link and it will take you to the person’s profile page and will prompt you to upload the new profile picture. Once uploaded, Facebook will send a request to the person whether it’s the correct/appropriate profile picture for him or not.

This feature still news to be matured, because for now, it shows suggestions for people who are not related to me in any way and don’t even have any mutual friends with me. But this is just new, and hopefully will get better.


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