Thursday, July 8, 2010

Schedule Posts For Later Publishing In WordPress

WordPress is, no doubt, the best blogging platform and CMS (Content Management System) available. There are endless features in it, and since the new version, WordPress 2.5, is out it’s even more fun to use it. I’ve been using WordPress for the past 1 year now, before that I was with Joomla and worked on that. But seriously, WordPress is more easy, user-friendly and faster to use.

Here’s a small WordPress tip I would like to share with you all. As you all know, previously, I took a 4 months break because of my exams. In the meanwhile, you you kept getting posts on Sizzled Core regularly for some time, even when I was busy studying. That’s one of the features why I love WordPress so much. WordPress has a built-in feature by which you could time-stamp your posts for later publishing.

Like if you plan to go on a tour to a different city/country for a week, and you know you won’t get time to blog, then all you have to do is sit down one fine day (before going), write down posts for the next 7 days and time stamp them one for each day. Pretty useful, eh? Your readers won’t even notice much difference whether you wrote it that very day, or was it written at some other day.

How To Schedule Posts For Later Publishing In WordPress

1. Complete your post in the WordPress dashboard of your blog.

2. After completing, in the right sidebar menu, under Publish Status, you will see Publish immediately.

wordpress timestamp schedule post

3. Click the Edit link beside it.

4. Set the date and time of whenever you want your post to get published.

wordpress timestamp schedule post

5. Click Publish (don’t click Save, or it won’t get lined up for publishing).

Next time you leave for a holiday, don’t forget to write down posts for your readers to avoid traffic loss! I hope this trick has been useful to you, and do tell me if you already use this tick and how does this helps you.


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