software update has started rolling out! Google has just started pushing the software update OTA internally, and will be followed by a public release real soon. And no, it’s not Android 2.3 ;)
Not much is known about what new changes and features have been added in this FRF72 software update for Nexus One, but it looks nothing more than bug fix and improvement release.
The changelog that came with the update only mentioned about better Flash support for the browser, and some other browser improvements which will make it faster! FRF72 is of just 1.8MB in size.
Adobe released an update to Flash Player 10.1 for Android a couple of days ago, may be this Nexus One software update is to accommodate those new changes in Flash and provide better support to the Android browser.
Update: For all those wondering if I have faked this, do a search on Twitter or Google and you will find another Google employee tweeting about the Nexus One FRF72 update.
Update 2: This seems to be an internal update, meant just for Google employees as no public release has been seen. Or may be, they plan to release it after they have verified it works fine and causes no bugs/glitches.
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