Saturday, June 26, 2010

Install Android on Windows Mobile Phone

htc-windows-mobileI’m sure all those who own a HTC Windows Mobile phone like the Diamond, Touch Pro etc would definitely want to give Android a try.

Now thanks to a very simple tutorial posted by Kong Technology, HTC Windows Mobile users can try out Android on their devices without actually replacing WinMo.

How to Run Android on Windows Mobile Phone

To get Android running on your phone, just follow the simple steps below:

1. First step is to visit this website and locate the latest Android package for your phone. These Android packages have been modified for HTC WinMo phones.

2. Now download the latest version of HaRET which is the Windows Mobile application that allows you to boot into Android.

3. Unzip everything from the Android package & HaRET into the root of your external storage. For the Diamond, you need to unzip into its internal storage root.

4. Next step is to get the correct startup.txt file. Visit here to get it.

5. Once all the above steps are completed, start HaRET from inside Windows Mobile. Your phone should reboot directly into Android!

Data connection might not work on this version of Android on HTC WinMo phones, but if you still wan tto give it a try, follow this guide.


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