Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Is a paperless postal service possible?

Is a paperless postal service possible?
Is this what the postal service of the future could look like? If so, frankly, my mind is blown. Thanks to Zumbox, Businesses and organizations can now send mail for free - without the use of paper.

So how does it work? Well, unlike email, Zumbox is based entirely on street addresses, just like regular mail. Each address has its own log in, and when people have sent you paperless mail, you can read it via your computer. Businesses can still set up databases and secure mailing lists, and the system is quashing any junk mail it comes across.

If cutting down on use of paper is a goal for you or your business, you might want to give Zumbox a try. You only have your postage costs to lose.

Via Treehugger.


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