Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Worm from the router to bots

dentified the worm that can take over control of some DSL modems and routers, which in practice can be very annoying Company Drone BL researchers found the worm name psyb0t that can attack and take control of the router (router) or a DSL modem / router, especially those that use the Linux operating system Mipsel and have a weak password. Upon taking control of the device, its owner has blocked access.

Has already identified more than 100,000 routers bots that are used for DDoS attacks. Special danger in this route is that the user will hardly notice that his router has become somebody's bot.
Routers are usually a set and not move because it correctly perform their job, infected router will continue to held the job and can take months before the owner realized that was no longer under his control.


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